


Conversion factor for the viscosity to SI units when stress is in GPa. Notice that GPa are the units used for stress in cp.x *.str file. INPUT: TEMPERATURE [K] VOLUME cell VOLUME [A^3] Input stress in GPa.

scale_kappa_gpumd(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity from GPUMD units to SI units.

scale_kappa_metal(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity from METAL LAMMPS units to SI units.

scale_kappa_qepw(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity from Quantum Espresso PW units to SI units.

scale_kappa_real(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity from REAL LAMMPS units to SI units.

sportran.current.units.stress.scale_kappa_GPa(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity to SI units when stress is in GPa. Notice that GPa are the units used for stress in cp.x *.str file. INPUT: TEMPERATURE [K] VOLUME cell VOLUME [A^3] Input stress in GPa.

sportran.current.units.stress.scale_kappa_gpumd(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity from GPUMD units to SI units. Note that units for stress and pressure, derived from energy [eV] and volume [A^3], are [eV/A^3]. INPUT: TEMPERATURE [K] VOLUME cell VOLUME [A^3] Input stress is in units of eV / Angstrom^3 .

sportran.current.units.stress.scale_kappa_metal(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity from METAL LAMMPS units to SI units. Stress is computed with INPUT: TEMPERATURE [K] VOLUME cell VOLUME [A^3] Input stress in bars.

sportran.current.units.stress.scale_kappa_qepw(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity from Quantum Espresso PW units to SI units. INPUT: TEMPERATURE [K] VOLUME cell VOLUME [A^3] Input stress is in units of Ry / bohr_radius^3 .

sportran.current.units.stress.scale_kappa_real(TEMPERATURE, VOLUME)

Conversion factor for the viscosity from REAL LAMMPS units to SI units. Stress is computed with INPUT: TEMPERATURE [K] VOLUME cell VOLUME [A^3] Input stress in atmospheres.